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全球城市第一 上海新能源汽车拥有量突破10万辆!_贝博ball登录入口艾弗森

时间:2024-10-07 20:57:01 文章作者:BB贝博ballbet 点击:

本文摘要:Shanghai has become the No 1 city in the world for ownership of new energy vehicles (NEVs), according to data provided by the automobile registration department of Shanghai.上海市车辆注册部门获取的数据表明,上海已沦为全球新能源汽车拥有量最少的城市。

Shanghai has become the No 1 city in the world for ownership of new energy vehicles (NEVs), according to data provided by the automobile registration department of Shanghai.上海市车辆注册部门获取的数据表明,上海已沦为全球新能源汽车拥有量最少的城市。45,060 NEVs were registered in Shanghai in 2016, and total sales of NEVs have exceeded 100,000 between 2013 and the end of 2016.2016年上海总计上牌新能源汽车45060辆;2013年至2016年年底,上海总计卖出新能源汽车逾10万辆。

Shanghai is the only city in the world currently that has more than 100,000 registered NEVs, said Liu Jianhua, head of the citys new energy vehicles promotion office.据上海市新能源汽车前进筹办主任刘建华讲解,目前上海是全球唯一新能源车上牌推展量多达10万辆的城市。The popularization and the expansion of the market for NEVs in Shanghai have also boosted related industry chains.上海新能源汽车市场的推展及扩展也推展了涉及产业链的发展。

Based on the most recent data from the Statistics Bureau of Shanghai, the city has achieved 11.5 billion yuan in production value related to NEVs, exceeding 10 billion yuan for the first time, following year-on-year growth of 29.5% in 2016.根据上海市统计局的近期数据,2016年上海新能源汽车涉及产值首次突破100亿元,超过115亿元,同比快速增长29.5%。The amount of NEVs grew rapidly due to policies like its free registration, multistage purchasing rebates, etc. NEVs accepted easily by Shanghai citizens also because of its green traveling concept.由于如免费牌照登记、多级订购补贴等政策的原因,新能源汽车的数量很快减少。新能源汽车更容易被上海市民拒绝接受,也是因为其绿色上下班的概念。In April 2016, Shanghai issued Interim Procedures for NEVs Purchasing Encouragement and Usage, having credit system as a pre-condition of NEVs purchasing for the first time.2016年4月,上海市公布了《希望出售和用于新能源汽车暂行办法》,使得信用制度首次沦为新能源汽车的一种订购前置条件。


