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时间:2024-10-06 03:21:37 文章作者:BB贝博ballbet 点击:

本文摘要:When cars first became popular 100 years ago, there were no road rules or speed limits to begin with. Inspired by the freedom of their speedy new toys, drivers zoomed around as fast as they could. Crashes were a constant.100年前,汽车第一次流行起来时,一开始并不不存在什么道路规则或速度限制。

When cars first became popular 100 years ago, there were no road rules or speed limits to begin with. Inspired by the freedom of their speedy new toys, drivers zoomed around as fast as they could. Crashes were a constant.100年前,汽车第一次流行起来时,一开始并不不存在什么道路规则或速度限制。受到这个快捷新的玩具所带给权利的激励,司机们尽己所能地驾车狂飙,车祸司空见惯。Todays speedy new toys, the smartphone and tablet, help people work when, where, and how they want. Excited by their newfound freedom, people are staying connected 24/7, working as fast as they can. The crashes this time are less obvious but still producing pain.如今的快捷新的玩具是智能手机和平板电脑。它们需要随时随地,在人们必须时为工作获取助力。


这次的“祸患”不过于显著,但依然带给了伤痛。A creative team that used to debrief with their client by video once a week from the office is now on video daily from their tablets. A software project that took six people a few months to complete is now broken into hundreds of parts for micro developers to finish in a week. While these ideas may sound enticing, there are implications to moving this fast, as HP (HPQ) discovered withtablets and Apple (AAPL) with maps.曾多次每周在办公室通过视频向客户汇报的创新团队现在每天都得利用平板电脑展开视频通话。以前必须6个人花费数月时间才能已完成的软件项目,现在被分解成数百个部分,微开发者们一周就能已完成。

虽然这些点子听得一起有可能很诱人,但如此很快的进展也不会带给一些影响,就只不过惠普(HP)和苹果(Apple)分别从各自的平板电脑和地图应用于中找到的问题。Traveling at the speed of confusion以“恐慌”的速度前进Perhaps the biggest implication of our new speed is what this is doing to our lives, and in particular to our brains. Recently, I was in the boardroom of a government organization outside the U.S. that was in charge of regulating what should be a slow-moving industry. They were decades old, with around 10,000 employees and mountains of money. Their biggest challenge· Our people are so overwhelmed, no one has any time to think, its all too much, their executives explained.或许这种新的速度的仅次于影响是在生活方面,特别是在是对我们的大脑。最近,我幸运地转入一家美国以外地区政府机构的会议室参观。


The fire hose of information was driving folks more than a little crazy. This was a wake-up call for me. I often hear firms, including my own, fantasizing how much better life would be once they had years to get organized, better systems, the right number of employees, or plenty of capital. Yet here was a firm with all that and more, with the same chaos I see at startups.信息的大量兴起让人们显得多少有点可怕。对我来说,这响起了警钟。

我常常听见一些机构——还包括我自己的在内——幻想,如果享有时间展开调整,不具备更佳的系统、适合的员工数量或是充足多的资金,生活会显得多么幸福。然而,这儿有一家不具备所有条件甚至更好的机构,却某种程度不存在我在创业公司身上看见的那种恐慌。Ironically, the biggest casualty of everyone being so connected is productivity. No one is getting much done at the office. One survey of 6,000 workers by the NeuroLeadership Institute found only 10% of people do their best thinking at work. I have to go home and work at night to get anything done is a phrase I hear all too often. Working nights and weekends leads to less time with families and friends and even less sleep, with 30% of Americans not getting the sleep they need today.嘲讽的是,所有人都维持着连线状态,这仅次于的受害者乃是人们的工作效率,没有人需要在办公室已完成很多工作。

神经领导力研究所(NeuroLeadership Institute)曾对6,000名职员展开调查,结果找到只有10%的人需要在工作时达到最佳的思维状态。我常常听见这样的话,“我必需返回家,等到晚上才能把所有事情做完。”在夜间和周末工作让人们花上在家人和朋友身上的时间变低了,甚至连睡眠中的时间也延长了,如今30%的美国人得到充裕的睡眠中。

We wont let people work 20-hour factory shifts anymore, but were okay to let them respond to emails 24/7. We organize workplaces to minimize physical injuries, yet we expect people to process huge volumes of data for hours on end. We mandate that people have vacations, yet more people are connected on vacation than ever. We are not respecting the needs of the brain largely because they are not obvious. Maybe it is time we made them more so.我们早已仍然继续执行20小时的轮班制了,但却对让员工全天候维持电邮号召安之若素。我们对工作场所展开了调整,以增加对身体的损害,但我们却期望员工埸几小时处置海量数据。


In a recent edition of the NeuroLeadership Journal, UCLA psychiatrist Dan Siegel and I, along with Jessica Payne and Stephen Poelmans, outlined the deeper science behind the Healthy Mind Platter that Siegel and I launched in 2011. The platter outlines seven types of mental activities the brain needs for optimal healthy functioning.近期一期的《神经领导力杂志》(NeuroLeadership Journal)中,美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)的丹·西格尔和我,连同杰西卡·佩恩以及斯蒂芬·珀尔曼斯,一起阐述了“身体健康心灵拼盘”(Healthy Mind Platter)背后更加深层次的科学原理。西格尔和我在2011年联合明确提出了这个概念。

“拼盘”所列了大脑完全恢复最佳身体健康机能所需的7种精神活动。Shutting down睡觉One activity we all need is sufficient down time, when the brain is refreshed through being non-goal focused. Like other organs, our neural circuits benefit from a period of recovery after being stretched. Down time is also a critical component for complex problem solving. The incessant beeping of mobile devices raises our ambient neural activity too high to notice the quieter, non-conscious brain providing a solution to everyday (or really big) problems. With the buzz always on, we drown out the so-called eureka moments in the morning shower, on the walk to work, or the drive home. We should be making it okay for people to disconnect for blocks of time. If folks are not good at switching off (just as we are not good at driving at sensible speeds), perhaps we need to install some limits here. Volkswagen in Germany has started switching off their Blackberry email servers for 12 hours a day to let people rest. Other firms are experimenting with similar ideas, including minimizing or even banning internalemails.我们都必须的一种活动是,充足的睡觉。这时候,大脑将通过放空,新的完全恢复精神。




其他公司也在尝试类似于的设想,还包括增加、甚或禁令内部的电子邮件。For real down time, people need vacations where they fully switch off. This may require changing how we think about annual leave. Instead of expecting people to take long vacations, we can encourage a shorter annual break, with an extra-long weekend each month to enable recovery. Four days offline can be truly restful. Whereas a two-week break can be two weeks of hellish preparation, two weeks of rest, followed by two stressful weeks digging out from under 2,000 emails. Maybe we need a rule that requires total down time every few months for a minimum of a few days.为了取得确实的休息时间,人们必须假期,这时候他们可以几乎停下。


也许我们必须一条规则,间隔几个月最少睡觉数天时间。Focus专心Another ingredient of the Healthy Mind Platter is focus time. This is when we focus intensely on a single task, making deeper connections across the brain. Focus time is important for long-term memory as well as overall brain health. We need to design workspaces where people can focus, totally undisturbed, for blocks of time as needed.“身体健康心灵拼盘”的另一个要素是专心时间,这是我们极为专心于某一工作任务的时候,在大脑中展开更加深层次的相连。专心时间对长年记忆和大脑整体健康来说十分最重要。我们必须对工作场所展开设计,让人们可以在适当的时间段集中精力,几乎不不受阻碍。

My research shows that people have one to two peak performing hours a day at best. What if those hours involve being bombarded with constant distractions? As well as having fewer insights and not being able to go deeply into an idea, the task switching exhausts our brains. Recently, I was pleased to notice some private, quiet working rooms at a large companys offices, before I noticed a sign saying for conference calls only. As if talking to others is more important than focusing. Do we need a rule to make being able to focus at work a basic workplace right, like physical safety?我的研究指出,人们每天最少有一到两个小时的最佳工作时间。如果人们在这段时间受到持续的阻碍呢?就像缺少看法和无法了解到一个点子当中,任务的切换不会让我们的大脑疲惫不堪。最近,我伤心地看见一家大公司在办公区域设置了一些偷窥的安静工作间,不过我之后又注意到上面贴满“专供会议用于”的标志,就样子跟其他人聊天要比专心于工作更为最重要似的。

我们否必须这样一条规则,让需要专心于工作沦为工作场所的基本权利,就像人身安全一样?Two other critical ingredients of the Healthy Mind Platter are connecting time, when we be social with others, and playtime, where we make novel connections in the brain. Having connecting time turns out to be more important to our well-being than even maintaining a good diet. By helping people get their work done at work, people can have more social time and playtime outside work, not to mention get more sleep.“身体健康心灵拼盘”的另外两个关键要素是交流时间和休闲娱乐时间。前者是用来跟其他人展开交际,后者则是我们在大脑中创建新的相连的时候。

事实证明,对于我们自己的福祉,与他人交流甚至比保持良好的饮食习惯更为最重要。通过在下班时协助人们已完成他们的工作,人们在工作以外就可以享有更好的社交时间和休闲娱乐时间,更加不用说取得更好的睡眠中了。We have some fast and shiny new machines that are speeding up everything about how we work. Travelling at this new speed has dangers that may not be obvious at first. Maybe now is the time to build in some limits and boundaries for our hyper-connected lives, to reduce the number of accidents along our information superhighways.我们享有了一些快捷而闪亮的新设备,它们需要在各方面减缓我们的工作速度。以这种新的速度前进具备一定的危险性,而这种危险性一开始有可能并不是很显著。

或许是时候为我们过度连线的生活原作一些容许和边界了, 这样我们在信息高速公路上行经时才能增加事故的再次发生。David Rock is cofounder of the Neuroleadership Institute, a consultant and author of Your Brain at Work.大卫·洛克是神经领导力研究所的牵头创始人,他是一名顾问,著有《长时间运作的大脑》一书。


